Podiatry Imaging

Podiatry Imaging with a Wireless Cesium DR Detector

TigerView’s award winning, user friendly and easy-to-use software, will significantly increase your practices workflow. Our solution provides for better patient management and diagnosis.

TigerView software combined with a wireless imaging detector and ensures the best image quality with our World-class imaging algorithms which produce superior images.

Diagnostic Quality – crystal clear images, fast!

High-resolution images from DR- 6 seconds, coupled with TigerView’s dynamic adaptive image processing software guarantees unparalleled diagnostic quality. Utilizing World-class imaging algorithms, we can ensure superior images with you hardware selection.

Comprehensive software offers Ease of Use with Minimal training required.

Simple installation by trained professionals with included detailed on-site training. TigerView’s easy interface tools ensure that every user has highly efficient workflow . The experience we gain from our other imaging markets ensures that we “keep it simple” and “minimize mouse clicks”. In many instances when using TigerView, all it takes is one mouse click and you can acquire images for specified patients when using one of the many bridges or links with EHS/EMR.



Advanced Diagnostic Tools Podiatry Imaging Specific Measurements – Display crystal clear images.

Easily review angles and measurements, find the midline and center point, utilize stitching, cropping and magnification tools which help to better communicate to your patients.

Once installed, TigerView measurements are: Line Measurements, Area Measurement, Angle Measurement, Cobb’s Angle Measurement, Inter-Metatarsal Angle Measurement, Hallux Abductus Angle Measurement.

TigerView also has is the ability for you to stack both measurements and annotations to achieve more Podiatry measurements. Other measurements you can accomplish are as follows with the use of multiple annotations and measurements: Metatarsus Abductus Angle, PASA-Proximal Articular Set Angle, Hallux Valgus, Tangential Angle to the Second Axis, Distal Articular Set Angle, Metatarsal Joint Articulation, Distal Articular Set Angle, HAIP – Hallux Abductus Interphalangeus Angle, TCA – Talo-Calcaneal Angle, TNA – Talo-Navicular Angle, CAA – Cuboid Abduction Angle and Kite’s angle.

With TV8 we have added 10 new measurements in one easy to use tool set for a 30 second total measurement analysis.

  • Hallux Interphalangeus
  • Hallux Abductus
  • First Intermetatarsal
  • P.A.S.A.
  • D.A.S.A.
  • Metatarsus Adductus
  • Total Adductory Angle
  • Metatarsal Parabola
  • Metatarsal Protrusion
  • Talo-Calcaneal

Podiatry Measurements


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